This picture is PRICELESS to me!
The Month of January was a good month. Brian and I fasted and prayed for you all month! To know how to help you, to know where to lead you, to be the parents/examples you need us to be. As I think of how I felt and what I felt, I saw you grow up so much in January. The things your realize about each home and about life and who you want to be.
I'm so thankful for Brian's idea to fast and pray for you! At the end of the month we talked about what we felt and where we think you could do better and what we think you do awesome. You set a goal and asked for a blessing to help you achieve it. You are an example to me in so many ways. After Brian gave you the blessing you and I talked and you told me how you felt the Spirit and how it made you feel safe and happy.
I want to tell you I know the Holy Ghost will always comfort you when you are doing whats right. The Lord will bless you with peace and that same happy and safe feeling when something is right! Thank you for being such a good kid, for helping me and loving all these sisters!
I love you! Love Mom